Problem Solving Assessment
About this assessment
Supporting the assessment of candidates on Problem Solving skills including the following behaviors: Problem identification and anticipation, working with others to solve issues, making fact-based decision and solution implementation.
Behaviors tested
Why those behaviors matter in the workplace
Problem-solving is an integral part of most offices' jobs. It is the capability to deal with unexpected arising issues, independently of their nature. Those can be related to human interactions (services industry), software behaviors (web development) or due mechanical limitations or failures. Two drivers of business complexity are the business environment itself, including recent disruption (virus, supply chain, globalization, etc.) and the inherent complexity of modern products (interoperability, connectivity, real-time solutions, etc.).
Problem-solving individuals find it easier to define the issues, reframe them under new angles and imagine possible paths for resolution. They are then able to act on the topic, either individually or as a team effort, to enable successful resolution. This unique set of skills makes them very sought after in modern workplaces.
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